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Personalized Dyslexia Tutoring
$480 per month
Tutored 1:1 with a dyslexia specialist
Twice a week
Sessions are 45 minutes each.
Children are typically proficient in reading in 2 years.
Online Dyslexia Tutoring
$480 per month
All supplies (except computers) are mailed to your home.
Child is tutored 1:1 with a dyslexia specialist online
Twice a week
Sessions are 45 minutes each.
Dyslexia Screening
Dyslexia Screening $400/ Diagnostic Academic Eval $850
Dyslexia screening takes about 90 minutes.
Academic Eval 3+ hours
Invited back for a thorough explanation of screening or testing results.
Provided suggested accommodations and modifications for school.
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